Uncover the Secrets to Setting, Achieving, and Maintaining Your Weight Loss Goals.

How does Ideal Protein diet work?

Ideal Protein is a medically developed, nutritional ketogenic weight management Protocol utilizing whole food and partial meal replacements. The Protocol is offered in three phases supported by individual coaching. The three phases are medically designed to assist you in setting, achieving, and maintaining your weight loss goals. During the Weight Loss Phase, the Protocol restricts carbohydrate intake to encourage the body to utilize its fat stores for energy. By incorporating Ideal Protein foods into your diet, the Protocol helps preserve muscle mass while teaching you how to develop healthier eating habits and lifestyle choices, ensuring long-term weight maintenance after achieving your weight loss goals.

What are the costs of the Ideal Protein diet?

The average cost is approximately $21 per day, which includes all expenses including individual coaching, educational materials, foods, and supplements. We encourage you to view the Protocol's cost as a part of your grocery bill. The Protocol often becomes cost-neutral by redirecting your average food expenses towards healthier options.

Why are Ideal Protein foods used in the weight loss protocol?

The assimilation rate of Ideal Protein is at minimum 80% and therefore has the best biological value. Gram for gram, Ideal Protein foods are at least five times more efficient than meat or fish for protein synthesis and, therefore ideal for sparing lean muscle mass during the weight loss phase of the protocol and for long term maintenance of your lean body mass.

How is it different from other keto or protein diets?

The Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol addresses weight issues at its root cause, focusing on reducing carbohydrate and fat intake while ensuring sufficient daily protein consumption. The primary goal is to lose fat rather than muscle mass. Throughout the Protocol, you receive personalized coaching and invaluable education on healthier lifestyle choices, empowering you to sustain your weight loss results throughout your life. Other versions of ketogenic diets are based on animal proteins and fat which may lead to health issues such as high cholesterol in the blood.

What about a vegetarian or vegan?

Vegetarians can participate in the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol by incorporating eggs, fish, or tofu as their whole protein source during their evening meal. Alternatively, vegetarians can consume 2 Ideal Protein foods instead of a complete protein for dinner. It's important to carefully review the ingredient lists of the products before making a purchase. However, strict vegans, who avoid all animal proteins and by-products such as dairy and honey, do not qualify for the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol due to the dietary restrictions involved.

I am gluten intolerant. Are gluten-free products available?

Yes. Ideal Protein offers a variety of gluten free products. Your coach will work with you to ensure that you can stay gluten free and lose weight on the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol.

Can I buy Ideal Protein products online?

Ideal Protein products are available exclusively via an authorized Ideal Protein Weight Loss Clinic. Our clinic offers virtual orders which can be delivered directly to your door.

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